Friday, September 27th, 2019
The CHP specialists from ETW Energietechnik in Moers have delivered two new cogeneration units for the municipal biogas plant in Backnang-Neuschöntal, Germany. The two old Rems-Murr waste management gas engines (AWRM) were replaced after 65,000 operating hours and over eight years of operation. Two new, larger gas engines with an electrical output of 1560 and 1200 kilowatts were installed at the same location. Compared with the replaced old units, the change means a significant increase in efficiency: while the used CHP units still had an electrical efficiency of 40.4%, this is now 42%. The overall efficiency is now around 85%, reports ETW. “A further leap in efficiency has been achieved by adding fermentation residue exhaust air to the combustion air of the gas engines. This is the first time that we have equipped an ETW system in this way,“ reports Alexander Szabo, sales manager at ETW Energietechnik.